About Us
Discover Health One Drop At A Time

Our Story
The journey to creating Infuse began a long time ago, when I started my nursing career. As a young mom in my very early 20's, I first went to school to become a Licensed Practical Nurse so that I could better provide for my family. In the 12 months it took me to graduate, I learned that nursing would mean so much more than a decent paycheck. It would mean touching peoples lives in the moments they are most vulnerable. It would mean using the knowledge I had gained, along with the passion for people that I already possessed, to make a difference in the most profoundly personal way I ever could have imagined. Nursing allowed me the privilege to meet people where they are, and journey with them to places they never knew they would go. When I went back to school to earn my Registered Nurse degree, I knew I wanted to find a way support wellness, and help people live their best lives. At the time, I had no idea where this new priority would take me!! I have held hands, dried tears, and laughed until I cried. I am honored to now take all of the things I have learned throughout my nursing career, and use them in the service of those seeking to gain and maintain optimal health and wellness!